Welcome New Members
You have been accepted into our club and are now a working part of it. At the outset, don’t believe you have only joined to play bowls.
As every member assumes responsibilities immediately, they are admitted, you will find that you have office-bearers who give generously of their time and energy so that you can play and enjoy your games.
Be appreciative of them, do everything you can to make their work as easy as possible, be punctual, willing to abide by their decisions and support all social functions and such-like that are organised for the good of the club and your own enjoyment.
The cost of maintaining our club is ever exercising the thoughts of our office-bearers. Without sufficient funds and a steady income, no club can be successful so you are earnestly urged to generously accept your portion of the financial responsibilities and support revenue activities.
Never let your club down. Be proud of it at all times. Put it before yourself. Do nothing in your actions, words or appearance which will reflect against you or our club and other members.
Do your part to enhance our club’s reputation so that it is recognised as a fine and fair club.