
20/21 Subs

Dear Members,


The Board agreed, at its latest meeting on Friday, to recommend to the AGM that the Club subscriptions remain unchanged for the 2020/21 season.  As we are still unable to hold the AGM until COVID-19 restrictions ease in relation to the number of people allowed to gather, it is asking members to consider paying their subs with the offer of the usual discount if paid by June 30th 2020. This would be a great help to the club in these times of reduced activity at the club.  If, at the AGM, the members alter the recommended subs rates from these listed, then the difference can be addressed after the meeting.


Paid Prior June 30   2020                                              

Full Member                                                  $310

Social Playing Member                               $180

Social Member                                               $20

Junior Member                                              $125

New Member                                                 $125

(not played at Buck’s last 3 years)

New Junior Member                                    $75


Paid after June 30   2020                                               

Full Member                                                   $330

Social Playing Member                               $200

Social Member                                               $20

Junior Member                                              $125

New Member                                                  $125

(not played at Buck’s last 3 years)

New Junior Member                                    $75 


Member Subscriptions can be paid by :-



1: Direct Deposit (Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000 Account No. 115471971)

2: Cash

3: Cheque

4: EFTPOS (1% surcharge)


The Board strongly recommends you pay by Direct Deposit if at all possible.